Cloud Hosting
Cloud technology provides companies with on-demand access to almost unlimited server power: rapidly adding and removing servers as they are required.
Surges in visitor website traffic, for instance, can be managed easily and based on a pay-for-use model, the upfront costs of traditional IT support are avoided. The benefits of the cloud are being realised by many progressive companies:
- Flexible: the cloud is suitable for any size of company and is particularly effective for e-commerce front-end webservers, corporate websites and rich media platforms.
- Agile: the cloud delivers instant resources with utility pricing; different online strategies can be scoped rapidly with minimal investment.
- Focus: the cloud allows company resource to be focused on priority business needs rather than IT infrastructure issues.
- Tailored: our Rackspace cloud offers both public, private and hybrid cloud combinations designed to offer options on cost savings and security.
- Simple: our approach to the migration and setup of data onto the cloud, including any technology already in place, makes the process hassle-free.
- Inclusive: we demonstrate to each stakeholder that we meet all the criteria for reliability, trustworthiness, transparency, and accountability on the cloud set-up.
- Proven: many of the world's top global brands have successfully employed cloud technology.
The cloud is there to take care of the IT structure while you take care of business. Digital Soul will work with you to understand power and storage demands and deliver an agile cloud hosting solution which can respond to ever-changing challenges and emerging business opportunities.